New things in 2024 & a Solstice Wish

Hi all!

Whew, this has been a year of LEARNING! Thank you all for being members of the WS Community. I am looking forward to a new year of blog posts, tutorials, sharing what is going on in the studio and adding new things! Your December tutorial (all about velvet) will be up tomorrow and obviously this newsletter is about three weeks late!

Starting in January I’m adding monthly Zoom lives from 3:30-4:00pm on a Friday afternoon so you can ask questions and get more help on an on going basis. As our membership grows, I hope for these calls to be a place for people to join our group without having to come into the studio. I hope to have some out of town members join in and still enjoy some time with other sewists.

It seems like Discus hasn’t been the chat option we all hoped for. Should I create a Slack channel or maybe an invite only IG group so we can keep more in touch throughout the month? What makes the most sense to you?

Membership payments will be transferred to TeamUp on March 15, so keep an eye out for that. It’s all set up behind the scenes and you’ll have more information in March to manage the actual transition. The dashboard will still remain here on the Winnipeg Sews website, just the payment will be processed through TeamUp since I can automate freebies and discounts as part of a package. Makes everything easier for you and me!

All the best for this next season as the solstice passes and the light begins to grow in all of us.

