November Member Update

Hi all!

Here we are in cold weather season already! We have lots of ideas for you to sew this fall and winter and classes all the way until spring up on the website.

I’ve been reading through The Fabric of Civilization by Virginia Postrel, but I’m not done yet. I was hoping to have an update, but October was really busy getting that software changed over. I’ve gotten lots of great feedback about it, please let me know if you find any issues.

Here’s a quick list of all the books people recommended on my post about this book:

There was also a suggestion to listen to the podcast “Articles of Interest”.

I’ve since been compiling resources about fabric waste, circularity and recycling and it’s been fascinating. I hope to have that ready by January. It’s a whole process!

Your new discount codes are up on the PERKS page and this month is a STEEP discount on the fabric pack and webinar that Leila Sews and I put together almost two years ago! Learning about how to identify fabric is an evergreen skill, so if you didn’t manage to take it then, please enjoy it now or over the holidays. Purchasing it this month gives you lifetime access, so no worries about feeling like you’ll miss out. This is also a great gift for another sewist if you’re into that type of winter holiday gifting. We received excellent feedback after this webinar including sewists who really appreciated more detailed explanations about fibres vs. fabrics.

I hope your November is warm! If you’re interested in helping keep others warm this winter, consider coming to a Community Care workshop to make items for those in need.

Talk soon!