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Welcome to The Fabric Collective by Winnipeg Sews, a unique way to shop pre-owned fabrics and invest in the culture of second-hand! Our fabrics are carefully curated, inspected, measured and photographed so you know exactly what you’re getting. Fabrics come from a variety of places including home sewists and warehouse clearance. The fabric may be brand new off the bolt, or prewashed, or even have a few pieces cut out from another person. Feel good about snagging a beautiful fabric at a great price and not contributing to further environmental impact!



The Fabric Collective is a community sourced fabric collection; a new, unique way to shop pre-owned fabrics at great prices. Sewists can sell their unwanted clean and scent-free natural fabric stash to WS as a way to redistribute the fabric that already exists in Winnipeg. We'll identify, measure, sort, photograph and list the fabrics at a discounted price! The Fabric Collective is another way we show we stay accountable to our environmental, accessibility and community goals.


Use and values

We know that it's really easy to build up more fabric than you'll use right away, or that purchasing online isn’t always successful. Sometimes the fabric arrives and it’s just not quite what you expected or wanted, but it’s too nice to just give away. Make sure your donated fabrics AREN’T going to the landfill! Instead, sell them to The Fabric Collective for other sewists! We accept natural fiber fabrics and put money in your pocket, it’s truly a win-win for everyone, including the environment as we help keep fabrics further from the landfill. Because it’s all got to go somewhere, but we can make it a lot longer before it gets there!

We can help you put some money in your pocket while providing a way for sewists to access quality fabrics at a great price. Any unsold fabric after 6 months (in season of course!) will be used as part of our classes, upcycled into quilted fabric, or made into recycled goods such as sewing hams. None of it will EVER go into the landfill from our hands.



All The Fabric Collective fabrics are moderately priced compared to retail, averaging around $20/m. This system allows us to provide you excellent value, especially for those 100% wools, silks and linens, and keeps our shop running.